Featured Research

Dr. Diego Thompson
Dr. Diego Thompson featured in MSU Alumnus (Fall 2022) for his work on Mitigating Hazards in Disadvantaged Communities
Pages 10-11
Iowa State University Article
MSSTATE Newsroom Article
Research Participants Needed
How Families talk about Safety, Health, and Politics in Today’s Changing World
Dr. Nicole Rader, Courtney Heath, and Dr. Margaret Hagerman are looking for participants for an interview project!
My colleagues and I are conducting a research project with families in Mississippi. We are trying to learn more about how parents and children from different racial backgrounds talk about safety concerns within their families. We are specifically interested in black and white families and for this wave of our data collection process, we are looking for black mothers who have children ages 12-17. If you are interested in participating, please see the attached flyer for more information on how to sign up with Courtney Heath.
Email Courtney Windhorn at clh714@msstate.edu for more information.
Student Research Opportunities
Looking for Students to Help with a Sport and Music Research Project
Dr. Braden Leap and Dr. Rachel Allison in the Department of Sociology are looking for an undergraduate student who would like to work on a qualitative research project on how Peloton instructors use musical genres to present themselves, with a focus on their gendered self-presentations.
We are looking for a student with at least 5 hours of availability per week in the Summer of 2023. Responsibilities include transcription of Peloton classes and possibly some data coding. Assuming funds are received, the position pays $15/hour up to $2,000 total. Beyond Summer 2023, they are open to continued involvement in the project, but this is not required. To apply, please email bleap@soc.msstate.edu and rallison@soc.msstate.edu with your interest, your availability in Summer 2023, and your qualifications for the position by April 1st 2023.
Racial Differences in The Effect Of Parental Incarceration And Depression Among Mid-Life Adults
Project Summary
Dr. Margaret Ralston and Dr. Kecia Johnson in the Department of Sociology are looking for an undergraduate students to work as research assistant on quantitative study of race, incarceration and wellbeing among adults over the age of forty. The goal of this research is to further understand the impact of parental Incarceration on later life health and well-being.
Paid Position: $12 an hour
Hours requires per week:10 to 15
Summer 2023: 10 weeks (Somewhat flexible but will be between May 15 and August 15)
How to Apply
How to Apply Interested students should contact Dr. Ralston at mr1636@msstate.edu. Please explain your interest, availability, and skills for the project and attach a resume.
More Information