The faculty members in the Social Work Program at Mississippi State University are excited about your interest in serving others as we strive to improve society for all people. The focus on undergraduate social work education at our university is designed to help students blend theoretical concepts with practical experiences inside and outside of the classroom.
Students learn the skills to work with individuals, groups, and communities to offer optimal services for people facing challenges in life. Graduates of the Social Work Program are competent professionals with the knowledge and skills needed to practice in a wide range of practice areas.
Employment settings include schools, nursing homes, child protection agencies, hospitals, youth development programs, non-profit organizations, psychiatric facilities, and many other settings. As you consider social work as a career field, we encourage you to ponder the numerous possibilities for employment with a Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) degree. In fact, recent occupational projections make known that the growth rate for social work out-paces that of other service professions. Notably, a BSW degree from Mississippi State University provides a strong foundation for a great career in social work.
We encourage you to consider becoming a part of a rewarding profession. Please feel free to contact us for additional information about the Social Work Program or the Bachelor of Social Work degree.
Kenya M. Cistrunk, Ph.D., LMSW
Associate Professor
Social Work Program Director